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Read on for the latest news, education, and product updates from our team and shipping experts.

8 Last-Minute Prep Tips for Amazon Prime Day

8 Last-Minute Prep Tips for Amazon Prime Day

Eugene Stark, head of Amazon services for Hawke Media, shares amazing Prime Day tips.
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4 Things You Didn’t Know You Don’t Know About Parcel Shipping

4 Things You Didn’t Know You Don’t Know About Parcel Shipping

Continue learning by checking out these five things you might not know about parcel shipping.
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Smooth Shipping Operations Require Some Data Tune-Ups

Smooth Shipping Operations Require Some Data Tune-Ups

The shipping environment is rapidly changing, keep a close eye on these facts of your operations.
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5 Scorching-Hot Amazon Seller Tips from our Latest Webinar

5 Scorching-Hot Amazon Seller Tips from our Latest Webinar

Amazon Selling Unlocked 5 Tips to Maximize Revenue from a Proven Amazon Seller.
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How Package Dimensions Affect Shipping Costs

How Package Dimensions Affect Shipping Costs

Every inch matters in shipping- just one more can cost big if you don’t know what to watch for.
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8 Best Practices for Reducing B2C Shipping Charges

8 Best Practices for Reducing B2C Shipping Charges

Learn how to reduce shipping charges your recent invoices have revealed from the new normal.
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VeriShip Partners with MuteSix

VeriShip Partners with MuteSix

We’re excited to announce our partnership with MuteSix, a full-funnel creative marketing agency.
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UPS vs FedEx Rates: The Difference Is You

UPS vs FedEx Rates: The Difference Is You

Take a look at three boxes for what can make a difference in your spend.
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How to Calculate Landed Cost

How to Calculate Landed Cost

Calculating simple costs may not sound complicated until you grasp how crucial the information is.
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5 Factors You Can Control to Reduce Shipping Costs

5 Factors You Can Control to Reduce Shipping Costs

Tidying up your operations can save a little but can help reduce shipping costs in big ways.
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VeriShip Named to SDCE 100 Top Supply Chain Projects for 2020

VeriShip Named to SDCE 100 Top Supply Chain Projects for 2020

VeriShip saved client, SimpleTire, $1M with award-winning audit, insights, and bill pay solutions.
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A Hidden Shipping Time-Waster: G/L Coding

A Hidden Shipping Time-Waster: G/L Coding

Coding shipments is a large process and like any other process done by hand, it has its pitfalls.
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