In February 2020, when the pandemic hit the world in full swing, the global economy took an inevitable jolt. As transport came to a halt and offices shut down, millions of people were forced to work from home. As a result, travel took a backseat, and the world entered...
Sifted Blog
Read on for the latest news from our shipping experts.
11 Valuable Tidbits You Missed From Shipping Experts in Our Last Webinar
Don’t miss out, make sure you hear what valuable, actionable info our latest webinar revealed.
2020 Shipping Trends: What We’re Seeing
The pandemic has dramatically affected safety measures on shipping and the supply chain.
Balancing Customer Expectations and Shipping Costs During COVID-19
Since FedEx and UPS both suspended their service guarantees this week, our clients have been flooding us with questions about how to handle this unique situation. “Business as usual” is out the window, so shippers must quickly adjust to this new normal. Adapting...
Making Sense of Your Shipping and COVID-19
Don’t panic. Attack the new reality of shipping and learn to adjust forecasting and budgeting.
What Shippers Need to Know about COVID-19
Be proactive in protecting your bottom line from the pandemic with smart shipping decisions.