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Sustainability Across Parcel Shipping (ft. Kevin Mireles)

In this episode, we discuss sustainability across parcel shipping with Kevin Mireles, Chief Sustainability Officer at Delivered. He is a leading voice in the industry with a background in shipping, marketing, and product development.

Leadershipping Podcast
Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss sustainability across parcel shipping with Kevin Mireles, a leading voice in the industry with a background in shipping, marketing, and product development. Kevin is the founder of and Chief Sustainability Officer at Delivered. We’ll discuss current challenges for sustainable demand, emerging trends, and how shippers can use sustainability to drive profitability while keeping their bottom line in the green.

Main Topics:

  • Current challenges shippers face from sustainability demands
  • Using sustainability to drive profitability goals
  • Emerging trends in the parcel shipping industry and how shippers can prepare
  • How to right-size your packaging
  • What drives shipping costs and emissions
  • How shippers can reduce their carbon footprint

Additional Resources:

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Caleb N, Kevin M

Caleb N 00:11
Welcome back to another episode of leader shipping. I’m Caleb Nelson with Sifted. In this podcast, we really try to have fun talking about transportation and shipping. These two things, oftentimes don’t go together. But when you’re passionate about something, it’s hard not to have the fun come through. I can’t think of a better guest who is extremely passionate about sustainability and transportation. Then Kevin Mireles, thanks for being here. Kevin.

Kevin M 00:36
Thanks so much for having me. I’m excited love the work that you guys do and love the opportunity to be able to talk about sustainability and helping shippers figure out how they can reduce their impact, cut their costs, and hopefully make the world a little better place.

Caleb N 00:51
Yeah, man, I can’t wait to dive in. I think this is going to be a really impactful episode for a lot of shippers who want to have those gut feelings of like, ‘I want to be more sustainable. But I might not know exactly how, or I might think it’s going to cost money.’ I’m excited to jump into it. But to give our listeners an understanding or an idea of who you are, and the impact you have in the sustainability space within transportation. You’ve got a wide background in shipping marketing, product development, and others. You’re a unique guests that we’ve talked to because I think you are a jack of all trades. You offer some some really great sustainability content on LinkedIn, and you’ve got you’ve amassed a massive following on LinkedIn. I think the last time I checked, it was like 8000 followers there. And if anybody who is listening to this and doesn’t follow Kevin, you know, you should really give him a follow on LinkedIn, I think the content that you’re sharing, Kevin is extremely relevant, and really gives shippers a good idea of how to bite size and bring in sustainability into their organization. Because I think everybody knows it matters. But people don’t really know how to really put it in place.

Kevin M 02:05
Yeah, and and that’s really you hit it on the head is that I struggled the same thing, right, I kind of fell into the sustainability and worked at FedEx for 15 years and had, you know, been very interested in like, how do we be more sustainable, like so many people get big boxes with tiny items in it? And I thought, I thought ‘well what’s the impact of this to FedEx when we’re shipping it?’ and I had access to all of the data. And I had gotten a package one time, and it was my iPhone, and I thought it was gonna be like 60% empty space. And I discovered it was actually 93%. And since I had the data from the shippers like, realized we were shipping entire warehouses of empty space. And I thought, This doesn’t make any sense. And I started to delve in and from there, it kind of snowballed, but like so many shippers is I discovered it wasn’t easy to figure out how do you be more sustainable? I’ve been lucky enough to be able to have the time to do that research and looking forward to sharing a little bit.

Caleb N 03:15
Yeah, I t hink it’s one of those those topics that really matters to people, they really they care deeply about wanting to reduce their carbon footprint, wanting to reduce the waste that ends up in landfills from their boxes from packaging material, wanting to reduce even their usage on on fuel, and kind of cutting co2. But they they really, as a shipper, oftentimes feel like they don’t necessarily have a lot of options. And I think they default with, ‘well, if FedEx or UPS wants to go green and be more sustainable, that’s really on them.’ I think shippers have a lot more control than what they they actually believe that they do. And I think that it’s one of those rare things that has a direct 1:1 on the cost replacement side. And a cost reduction. I think it’s really cool. So you’ve recently started Tell us about what, what drove you to do that, and where, you know, resources where shippers can find resources on that site. Tell us a little bit about that.

Kevin M 04:20
Yeah, so I I took the job as a Chief Sustainability Officer for 3PL and, you know, I hadn’t, you know, honestly, because one of the beautiful things, if you’re in sustainability is there’s not very many people have a lot of expertise, particularly when you have logistics and sustainability. So they recruited me and I knew a little bit I mean, knew more than most but I was like I there’s a lot I needed to learn. I was like, ‘Okay, there’s got to be a playbook out here that I can pinch.’ And there wasn’t I only discovered like so we spending days and weeks Googling and researching and learning and I wound up just having to put together my own playbook. And then when we parted ways in August, I was like, ‘Well, I’ve already got all this knowledge. I mean, I’m not the only person who’s struggling with this. So why don’t I put it in the website.’ And more recently, I transitioned on the Chief Sustainability Officer for Delivered. And we will be incorporating some of this information in our site as we move forward to help people because really, you know, our goal is to help people cut their shipping costs and their impact as well. But, you know, what’s essentially there and what I think would help people understand when you talk about a one for one reduction in emissions, and cost is understanding what drives emissions and what drives your shipping costs, right? When you think about your pricing, what drives it? It is weight, cube, you know, times distance times the mode, right? Air is the most expensive truck is cheaper, train, if we had a real rail system, it’d be cheaper, you know, but well, what drives your emissions? Cube. Weight. Distance. Mode. Yeah, it’s it, it’s identical. So if you can reduce your cube and weight, you reduce your distance, move to a more efficient mode, you reduce your emissions. It’s pure and simple.

Caleb N 06:32
I think that’s so interesting, because so many people, I think, have this mentality of, you know, I almost see it like as the Tesla effect, where people see the value in going green. But they associate oftentimes with it being more expensive. Like it’s a luxury item, like, ‘I want to drive a Tesla, I just can’t afford one. So, you know, in the meantime, I’m gonna keep driving my truck.’ I think it’s one of those things that has a perception of, it’s more expensive, you know, it’s kind of that whole foods idea.

Kevin M 07:07
To me, that’s exactly, I think sustainability has a Whole Foods, a Tesla, Whole Foods problem. And really, you look at Whole Foods, and a lot of it’s not very sustainable, you know, shipping stuff all over the world. There’s this whole mystique, and the nice thing in logistics, where I think is special, is right. And I hate to say this, we all love our jobs, but it is truly waste. I mean, if you think about it, is all the packaging and movement is waste. So if you can reduce it, you’re reducing your emissions, you’re reducing your costs, etc. And you know, it’s critical. Things need to get moved around. But the more you can reduce that, the better off you are. And, you know, that’s basically I tell people like lean and green, they rhyme. And there’s a reason because they’re both about reduction, reducing your, your cost, emissions, waste. And it’s that’s why, again, you get that one for one, and we can talk about some different things you can do.

Caleb N 08:14
Yeah, I think getting into some tactical things would be really helpful. Like, ‘if I’m a shipper and I’m using FedEx or UPS services, what can I be looking at? What should I be looking at right now? And to be able to do that?’ I think giving some some of those will be really helpful. But if we take just one step back further from that, what are some of the current challenges that shippers face right now in terms of sustainability? It sounds like from what we’ve talked about, it’s a lot of just lack of understanding how the package moves, and the levers you can pull that will reduce costs, and therefore reduce sustainability or improve your sustainability.

Kevin M 08:54
I think the biggest thing is education. And that was really why I put together the site because it’s so difficult to find information. Right and, and people, right, when you’re in logistics, you’re dealing with crisis center crisis.

Caleb N 09:09
Yeah. ‘Just get the packages out the door, man.’ That’s, that’s what I hear a lot.

Kevin M 09:13
It’s a hard sell, right? It’s like you’d like to do that. But you’ve got a business to run in the sustainability community. I think we deserve a lot of blame, because we’re talking about things like scope one, scope two, scope three, we throw all these words out there. What is this? It really it prevents people from figuring out like, well, what can I actually do? So I think that’s the biggest thing is just understanding. And that’s when I walk through some of the things, people will be like, ‘oh, yeah, those are no brainers. Duh, I’m already doing some of this.’

Caleb N 09:48
And it’s easier than what is probably perceived it to be out there. You know, I, I think it’s in my world where we live in that data. That is the language in which you understand your parcel shipping. And when you can understand that data and speak that language, you can really look for areas of cost reduction, that impact on the sustainability side too. But it really is found in that data like in order to make those changes, you’ve got to be looking at: what are your top zones? You know, if you’re shipping a lot to zones, 5,6, 7, and 8, predominantly 7 and 8, if you’re shipping a lot versus air versus ground, if your packages are being DIMmed out, if you’ve got a lot of dead space in that box, or air in that box, these are all things that are really found in Okay, ‘what do I need to improve on?’ You’ve got to look at the data first.

Kevin M 10:49
You nailed it right there, right and you. And so here’s the thing is, so let’s just talk, let’s start with what I tell people, the number one thing you can do from a simple and impact is right size your packaging. And now, three to five years ago, you really didn’t have many choices about how you do that. But now there’s a whole array of solutions from software companies like Paccurate, that will help you figure out like, what are the right boxes you should be stocking? What size box should you put that item in? And then you have, you know, automated systems that will build the box for you. And then you have at the high end you have pack and ship systems that will literally will, you know, create the box around the item, put the label on it, and reduce your your labor cost by up to 80%. Even so, right. And when you put stuff in a smaller box, you are reducing your transportation costs you can avoid those DIM charges. You’re reducing your packaging costs, and you’re delivering a better customer experience. You don’t wind up on Twitter or your customers ranting about it.

Caleb N 12:01
‘Oh look at the box I got! Look at – ‘yeah, exactly. I’ve seen a couple of those posts before. And it cracks me up like and we’ve all got it like we’ve all ordered something you did from Amazon, or from another website, where you you think what, box shows up on your doorstep, you think ‘What the heck did I order? I don’t remember ordering something this massive.’ And you open it up, and it was your chap – your chapstick that you ordered or or what have you, or your pair of socks that came into a massive box. You think, ‘Man, this is a complete waste.’

Kevin M 12:30
Yeah, and one of the trends right? Companies want to really put their brand on the box, but then they limit the number of boxes. And it’s like, okay, the brand image may not be the one that you want to be showing. So that’s that’s kind of why I tell people to just do one thing. That’s it. There, the ROI on the solutions are off the chart. And you look at like from an impact. So there was a national retailer who spoke to their fill rate on a trailer base went from 800 to 1400 packages per trailing. 75%, right?. Another one, they reduced the number of trucks by 14%. The impacts just go on and on. But just imagine like if you were literally if we got to 100% like we would reduce the number of trucks by like 40% on the road, because right, we’re just shipping empty space and think about what that does to your bottom line. If you do nothing, just do that.

Caleb N 13:26
Yeah, that’s, that’s a great call out we there’s a lot of models that that, you know, as we talk to shippers every single day, we help model out, okay, if you do make this change, if you if you are able to get this SKU or product into a smaller box size, let’s model out what that box size is going to change is going to either cost you or save you. It’s amazing to me to see the cost savings associated to that one change. It really is. And if you do it, you don’t have to do it for you know, I tell shippers, you don’t have to do it for 100% of your boxes, you should, but you don’t have to you do it. It’s the 80/20 rule, you do it for the 20% of of those boxes that make up 80% of your DIM charges or what what the carrier’s billing you for the space that you’re taking up in the truck or the airplane. And that’s going to be your your lowest hanging fruit.

Kevin M 14:19
That is like I said, what you guys do helping that and, again, simple things, big impact. The next piece you talked about, it’s like, hey, those long zones. I love California, I’m a native Californian, but it sucks if you’re gonna have a national distribution center there. It makes no sense whatsoever, because when you look at it from a population bases, right, almost 50%, I think it’s over 50%, I need to look at my numbers, is east of the Mississippi like literally like half of your shipments are gonna be zone 7and zone 8, versus if you’d like to put your DC in Chicago, you’re looking at, like a 40% reduction in average distance that you’re gonna get, you know, just from a straight line. And right, that impacts your transits that impacts costs, that impact. That’s, you know, every 1% reduction in mileage reduces your emissions. And then if you put a second, you know, if you put two DCs, right, you jumped about a 60 to 65% reduction in your average distance, again, reducing what your costs and transit and if you got a third one, you’re in, like the 70-75% range. So I mean, you do get the law of diminishing returns. So that just the biggest thing is, hey, if you only want to put your stuff in one DC, from a managing your inventory complexity, put it, you know, more in the center of the United States. You know, and I’m sure you guys help people with that, during that analysis, you know, or, you know, put your put them in two, just put your fast movers in the second one,

Caleb N 16:07
It’s amazing that the shippers that I see that have it together, the best meaning have the best, not just best in class pricing, but the lowest transit days – so faster to the client – lowest damage percentages. And I would, I would say the ones that are most flexible, and I think flexibility, I think COVID in in the supply chain, I think it really tested the flexibility of people’s supply chains, and it failed. I think a lot of people’s supply chains are really brittle. And having that you know, crack or fracture in that pressure. You know, made shippers really understand that the need to be flexible. I can’t think of anything more flexible than having options of where you’re shipping from, based upon where your customers are at and the products that you’re selling. And sometimes it’s seasonality sometimes it’s like, ‘oh, yeah, I sell a, a somewhat seasonal product. And it’s really hot and heavy, in you know, Florida and Georgia, and Tennessee. And then other areas, different times of the year. I’m really hot in New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island area, and I’m all shipping from California.’ That is a horrible distribution network, that, to your point costs more, it’s longer in transit, but it’s also if you think about it, it’s not a great client experience if it takes 5 to 10 business days to actually get your product because it’s being shipped across country going ground. But the number of times that that product is being handled by FedEx or UPS, you’re leaving the door wide open for additional damage, and replacement costs re-, you know, refunds and returns that come back to you. I think 10 years ago, the idea of fulfillment out of multiple locations was more challenging. A lot of shippers would think of it like, ‘Oh, I have to get another brick and mortar location? I have to train those employees, I got to have, you know, management that’s overseeing them?’ No, the emergence of fulfillment and third party warehousing, that do storage, pick, pack and shipping services. and you can still use your FedEx or UPS account numbers, those have exploded. You have a lot more options now, of you know, having it be almost like an Airbnb style approach for warehousing.

Kevin M 18:39
Absolutely, I mean, but that’s the industry is changing rapidly and it’s becoming more flexible. And that, like you say, enables a lot of optionality.

Caleb N 18:50
Let’s talk for a moment on the importance if I’m a if I’m a consumer of let’s say a major ecommerce brand that I buy product from, how important is sustainability to people who are buying product?

Kevin M 19:07
It’s important, but let’s forget about the consumer for a second. Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc., they all have these, these sustainability goals that go from a ;nice to have, we want you’ to “thou shalt,’ That will be happening over the next 12 to 36 months I’m already beginning to hear stuff. So, you know, those are big companies that, you know, again, it’s going to start at the top and ripple down. And then you’re seeing you know, you know companies based out of Europe already. So it’s gonna be driven not just on like, ‘Oh, it’ll be good. The consumers care about this.’ It’s gonna be like, ‘hey, you need to do this, you need to show me how you’re reducing, because otherwise you’re not going to be able to get my business.’ I think that’s one of the things is, yes, consumers care about it. But let’s be honest, it’s really difficult. There’s today there’s no like labeling, like, you know, when you go to the store and you look at things and you say, ‘Okay, how many calories? How much salt?’ That doesn’t exist. So. So it’s a lot of like, feel good. Oh, you know, this is that’s what like the Whole Foods stuff, right? It’s chock full of stuff that’s, you know, supposedly more greenish, but water shipped from Switzerland in a in an aluminum can it’s like there’s nothing green about that, folks. But it’s really going to be driven by the these large retailers mandating like ‘you need to measure this stuff. And you need to show me how you’re going to help me hit my goals.’ In addition to them, as consumers, will also be pushing it as well. And everybody wants to be sustainable, but everybody has to be profitable. So just look at this from like, like, just like, hey, how can I reduce my costs and improve my customer experience by doing the things of putting it in the right size box. Moving, you know, getting my inventory closer to my customer, doing things like intermodal. So you’re moving it, you know, like on rail from the ports, you know, like inbulk in the inbound, again, rail. So if you think about it, you move from air to truck, it’s about an 80% reduction in emissions per mile. In addition, because of the way the hub and spoke model setup for UPS and FedEx, they don’t have very many. So you may wind up, you know, your item, it’s being shipped to Salt Lake City, and it goes to Memphis, and then back out to Salt Lake City, or, you know, or from Washington DC to Boston.

Caleb N 21:54
I just had that. One of the one of the packages I just ordered recently was being shipped from Austin, Texas, via UPS 2-Day Air. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Should have just traveled West. A lot of people don’t understand the mileage associated to a shipment as it’s traveling, and how FedEx and UPS actually move it. So that shipment I watched it go from Austin, Texas, all the way over to Louisville, Kentucky to UPS’ Worldport facility, sit there and be sorted from there and then be flown all the way to Salt Lake City. If you were to track that mileage, and the usage of fuel to that it’s a pretty astonishing path, you would think it’s it’s less efficient to go the opposite direction, but for UPS and FedEx and how they’re, they’re structured, to your point on the hub and spoke system, it it, it is more effective or efficient for them, it just becomes very, not a sustainable option for a lot of a lot of shippers.

Kevin M 22:55
Yeah, and what people don’t realize is that, you know, like for FedEx, almost 80% of their emissions come from planes from UPS, it’s about 60 some odd percent for DHL, 70%. So they all show on their sustainability reports the bike courier, but that’s just like this teeny, tiny fraction. It’s really in the line haul. And so you know, the number one thing, actually, number one thing you do is just not ship Express, but if you are, put your stuff in Louisville, put your stuff in Indianapolis, put it in Memphis, where you’re like going direct from there. So if you got it, you know, let’s face it, there’s a reason why those exist. And if you’re shipping, you know, high-value items that need to get there, put your DC there because you’re gonna reduce a ton of mileage. And also the other piece is the most co2 intensive is lift off, right, you’re climbing. So if you’re shipping say from Austin to Salt Lake City and you know your takes off initially in Austin or goes to Worldport and then it takes off again. So not only is the mileage much greater, but then each of those is more intense.

Caleb N 24:10
Wow, that’s really interesting. You know, to hear you say, you know, try not to ship Express is probably shocking for some listeners. But in reality, the way you can structure your transportation today your your parcel shipping today, you can reach 98% of the United States in the ground network if you’re if you do it properly. If you if you have it set up in the correct in the correct manner. There’s a lot of shipping managers that are probably listening that are like, ‘Yeah, we shouldn’t be shipping Express, because if I have it set up properly, I can just ship Ground and reach the United States within a Prime-like experience of two to three business days.’

Kevin M 24:49
Yeah, and that’s, that’s the thing, right? It’s from my perspective, there’s way too much focus on electric trucks and sustainable aviation, all this stuff that’s really going to be like, will take a decade before it comes, when there’s so much we can do today. And, you know, and I’m more than happy to have, to talk to folks and help them, you know, understand, and it sounds like you guys are, you have the data, so when you’re showing people how to be more efficient, you know, the only thing you really need to add is just, you know, some calculations. Again, you’ve already got the distance, you’ve got the origin, destination, you’ve got the mode, you know, the adding the, the piece to calculate the actual emissions. I mean, it’s kind of a no-brainer, and you’ve got a, you know, a whole nother value add for your customers.

Caleb N 25:42
Yeah, I think, you know, like I said, that data is the language. And it’s tough to be able to understand what your, your, your, your parcel, you know, network is saying, and what is working, what’s not working, what needs attention, if you don’t fully speak that language. Let’s talk a little bit about how people can can reach you and what you’re doing right now you recently joined Delivered as their Chief Sustainability Officer, tell us a little bit about Delivered’s services and what you’re doing to, you know, advance sustainability and logistics at Delivered.

Kevin M 26:15
Yeah, so Delivered is a startup national parcel carrier. So we are rather than, you know, than owning we are orchestrating and, you know, everybody’s trying to break free from the duopoly right? You know, FedEx raised their rates, UPS, raised their rates, they even put new surcharges. And, and people are, you know, trapped and tired of it. So, but it’s difficult to use, you know, all the regional transportation providers, which oftentimes provide faster service, lower costs, better service more personalized, because you’re in Columbus, or Cleveland, and you’re like, ‘how do I get it from Cleveland to LA? Now, I’ve got to, you know, arrange that transportation and then integrate that.’ So, you know, people there’s a lot of stumbling blocks. So with Delivered, what we’re doing is, we’re that one call, we handle it all, you integrate with us, we become basically your, we become your carrier of record. So we handle the pickup, the line haul, the last mile, and we were stitching together using software and are, you know, to make it a seamless experience providing you, you know, one place to call for customer service, one bill, etc. And since we’re, you know, not tied as much as the hub and spoke model, we’re able to leverage, you know, more efficient models, so get things faster, more, you know, again, point to point. So, we just make it easier, more, more inexpensive, and ultimately, more sustainable. And so my role is, you know, it’s a startup, so probably 10% of its related to sustainability.

Caleb N 28:06
Yeah, I know how startups go. And you know, that’s the beautiful thing about transportation, especially on the final mile side is there has been this fever of, of startups and innovation since COVID. And I love to see it, man, I come from that startup world, and there is something really great about coming in and disrupting an older industry that clients are desperate, like you said, to get out of the standard, ‘okay. I got 6.9% on average GRI that hit me, my cost went up $200,000 for from, you know, December 31 into January of this year. What, how do I, what can I do about it?’ Because a lot of people just feel like their hands are tied, I think they have more options than what they believe.

Kevin M 28:56
Yeah, no, absolutely. And like I say, we’re, you know, one of the beauties of being a startup is, you know, we’re very flexible, and we’re really looking to, you know, work with our customers as partners. And as part of that, one of things we’re going to be doing is actually launching a right-sizing partnership, where we’ll help our customers, you know, find solutions that can help them reduce, you know, the size of their packages, so that way they can cut their costs. And it helps us be more efficient right on the line haul, we were able to fit more stuff in so we pass those savings along, is our real goal really is to be your your partner, even help you grow your business.

Caleb N 29:37
See, I knew we would, we were gonna have fun. I knew this is gonna be a conversation where you get two people that are passionate about something. It’s gonna be a fun conversation. The floor is yours, Kevin, where can people reach you? How can they you know, interact with you and connect with you?

Kevin M 29:55
I’m pretty active on LinkedIn, as you mentioned, you can certainly, you know, visit our website, I also have, you know, my, my personal website,, where you can go and find insights and list information about how to, you know, the top 10 things you can do to cut your emissions as a shipper. So that’s probably the best best way. And then, you know, when I think about your business, you know, you guys having all that data, sit on just a huge opportunity, because one of the things that I saw is today it like you do reporting, but it’s not, you can’t really do much decision making on it, because you don’t have visibility, particularly to the routing. And since you have all that information, you’ll be able to tell people like, well, you know, if you use this carrier, here’s how many miles to this destination versus that one, they may be the same zone, the same pricing, but can have tremendous difference on a from an emissions perspective. And I’ll give you a for example, like if you’re shipping from Washington DC, to Boston, right? It’s about 400 miles, you know, as a truck drives, but if you go to use UPS and go through Louisville, it’s about 1300 miles. If you use FedEx, and you go to Memphis, it’s about 2000 miles. That’s about 40% difference in emissions. So the pricing is probably going to be very similar. But you guys are going to be able to help them tell it like, well, on these lanes, you know, you know, 80% of the time, it’s gonna go like this, and you can, you know, reduce your emissions by using this carrier that just because of the way they move. So I think you guys are, you know, have just a huge opportunity to, to, to mine that data to give people the insights they need to make decisions, because that’s really one of the missing pieces that I see.

Caleb N 31:54
Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more. I think it’s one of those things that if people actually saw the differences between their options, and the impacts or effects from those from those options, they would make better decisions. And that’s the whole purpose, right? make better decisions being validated by the data that you see in front of you.

Kevin M 32:16
Unless you have that, right. You. It’s hard to how do you make decisions without having that insight? So yeah,

Caleb N 32:23
gut feeling others, there’s a lot of people I talked to you that say, you know, I have a gut feeling that this that this is right. And what that translates to be is, ‘I want to do the right thing, I want to make the right decisions, but I don’t have the visibility to actually validate it in the way that I should.’ And if you try to do it in Excel, it’s just becomes a complete nightmare. But I would really encourage anybody who’s listening to go to that I think one of those things that there’s some something really interesting is that to your point that there isn’t just volumes of information, and there’s no Sustainability in Logistics for Dummies books out there on Amazon. So getting getting some high level information of what you can do, how you can impact what you can control to reduce your overall carbon footprint, I think is as a shipper of responsibility we all have.

Kevin M 33:17
Yeah, and, you know, like I say, it’s, once you kind of have somebody walk you through it, the light bulbs go off, right? Just think about, like, how do you cut your costs? And once, when I tell people that they’re like, “ohh,’ like, ‘Oh, this is this is I get it!’ Right. And I think that and for me, it took me a long time, you know, like to, like scratching my head, like ‘What is all this stuff? How do I…? Ohhhh.’ So anyways, I’m happy to help please reach out on LinkedIn. I’m also going to be hosting some webinars I have my Sustainability and Profitability in Logistics 101 webinar that I’m going to start kicking back up to at least once a month, people can just join in and you know, get some get some insights and you know, my goal is to make it easy because, you know, you the people are listening to this are very busy. It is not an easy industry, right? There’s so many variables, there’s things that are always happening. So I think that’s one of the keys is we need to make it easy for for the people who are you know, running our country keeping things going.

Caleb N 34:38
Yep, yep, low hanging fruit. That’s that’s where it’s at. If you follow follow Kevin on on LinkedIn, that would be my kind of parting comments. He gives them some great kind of bite-size, making it easy to be sustainable and transportation content that’s out there. Kevin, thanks so much for joining. I really appreciate it. It’s been a great conversation.

Kevin M 34:59
Hey, thanks. So much been a lot of fun!

Caleb N 35:02
Hey thank you everybody for listening to this episode of LeaderShipping I had a wonderful time and I hope you did too. There’s some really valuable resources that we just covered that you should take into your business, sneak peek and teaser into next episode. Really our next episode’s really focused around Amazon and the Amazon world. We’ll go over Prime Day preparation with our guest Matt Snyder, who is an Amazon ecommerce expert, VP of Online Retail at Vari. Matt is a phenomenal resource. We’re excited to be able to chat with him and some really cool things are happening in the Amazon space right now. Buy With Prime is a big one. And will Amazon compete with FedEx and UPS? That’s what we’re going to be covering also on our on our next episode. Remember to like and subscribe, go to Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any other podcast platform. Be sure to subscribe, so you never miss a new episode. I think what we’re delivering here is ultimately intended to make your life easier and to make you more successful at your job working in logistics. You can also check us out on our Sifted YouTube channel where we upload all this as well or at To learn more about what we do and how we live in that data to provide more insights and cost reduction to you at the bottom line. Thanks so much!

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