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Learn How Datto Saved $532,915 with LI Pro - Logistics Engineering

Datto is the world’s leading provider of IT solutions delivered by Managed Service Provider’s (MSPs). Founded in 2007, Datto believes that there’s no limit to what businesses small and large can achieve with the right technology.

Learn how a Distribution Center Analysis provided Datto with the information and tactics to cut costs and reduce transit times. With the help of Sifted, Datto was able to identify $70,000 in shipping discrepancies, and ultimately save $532, 915.

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Thousands of logistics and operations pros love Sifted

Easiest savings we ever found. Sifted set us up and the audit was running. The ‘hard savings’ are nice, but we see the bigger opportunity in the ‘soft’ savings. Sifted has helped us move toward our continuous cost and process improvement goals with real savings and great tools.

Pat Rushton
SVP Supply Chain
The Tharpe Robbins Company
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The initial setup was very, very simple. It resulted in free money that we were not getting otherwise, so it’s definitely worthwhile. Ultimately, that experience and satisfaction with Sifted were what kept us around for the additional offerings.”

William Solomon
Senior Director of Products and Special Products
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Want to get your shipping data in order?
We’re here to do the heavy lifting.